Thursday, August 29, 2002

Things are progressing. Orientation is going on. I've written lots of stuff in my paper journal and not much here at this point. We get our cable modem hooked up next Thursday, so my Internet access will finally be restored. I've been lost and have come across so many things where the Internet would have made life so much easier!

Anyway, the first thing that has caused me to thing or contemplate came today during the reflection after Morning Prayer in the chapel. This is it - simple, sweet, and all that: "What are you seeking?"

So, what am I seeking? I have said repeatedly that I'm seeking Truth, which I believe resides in the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Ruth, Sara, and on and on. Is that true? Yes, for the most part, but why am I here? To seek? To learn? To experience New York? To try to figure out what I want to do, or what I'm supposed to do? Why am I here? What am I seeking? An easy life? To call others to seek God? To fool around for a few years?

That is an excellent question to present before people generally. Someone comes by and it is a good question that is none threatening, open, yet with incredible seriousness and potential. What are you seeking? To fill the hole inside? To resolve life? To be at pease? To escape? To be told what to do? and on and on....

More about all that later when I'm able to get to the Internet when I need to, when I feel like just writing, rather then when the lab is convenient.

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Tuesday, August 20, 2002

Well, I'm here in the big city! Leaving was horrible, terrible, miserable, but now that the move is over I'm looking forward and getting to know some of my fellow first year peers. More then ever, I've felt who and what I have left behind. Leaving once in a life time friends has been so difficult this time - I guess that comes with age and perspective of what is really important.

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Friday, August 16, 2002

Waking up early - what's that? Yesterday, 2:30 am. This morning, 3:00 am. Today, we load up the truck and I take sleeping pills to get good nights sleep at a hotel! Tomorrow, we pull out of the parking lot of St. Paul’s, Lisa and I, her in her 24' truck (which was supposed to be a 14' truck) and me in my 15' truck at 5:00 am. At least I don't have to worry about over sleeping! I hope.

These past few weeks have been some of the most stressful in my life. I know a lot of the anxiety and stress have been of my own making, but I had no idea how to calm myself down. Depression, realization of who I'm leaving behind, all the problems with U-Haul, on Wednesday getting a call from Ryder that I wouldn't have a truck and having to clear that up, not knowing for sure whether Pat was able to come to help unload, lack of sleep, all add up for a very rough week!

This morning, the end is in sight and I talked to Jason, one of my new roommates at General. Everything seems to be lined up on that end, unless of course something has been fouled up on their end. I sent my deposit checks, etc. Everything should be good to go.

I wrote John a letter via e-mail. A the-door-will-always-be-open letter. I feel better - I've said what I felt I wanted to say. My suspicion is that it doesn't really mean all that much to him - once over a relationship, it's over. Yet, for myself, I know I wanted to say the things I did in the letter and there is only one life, only certain opportunities, and I want to live that life to the full without fear, insecurity, worry about what he or anyone could think of me. I want to live an honest and open life and not saying things can be as dishonest as anything else. I'm sure nothing will come of it, but it is written and he knows what he has meant to me, despite and over-arching the problems we had and the issues he (we) dealt (deals?) with.

I am so tired right now, but sleep eludes me. A very long day today, a very long drive tomorrow. Once all the unloading is done, it will be over, finally. It is 5:10 am, EST.

I turn over my car to the new owners at 9:30 am this morning.

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Sunday, August 11, 2002

I woke up again this morning at around 4:15 am. Today is moving day, unless of course I have repeat of last Saturday when U-Haul just couldn't come up with the truck I reserved two weeks earlier before I had to cancel it - too late in the day. Technically, I still don't have a truck for today, but was told they think they can have one by noon. This is the last time I use U-Haul, if I can help it. Thank goodness I had the presence of mind to reserve a Ryder truck (from a trustworthy place) for the move to New York City.

Friday was hard, but good, my last day. Sharona had a card made with a picture of Pat and I off our cubicle wall. She added an earring and necklace and designed the cover of the card with big bold words - "Bling Bling." A couple days before a conversation came up where I related our trip to Toronto where Sam and Randy kept going through the cheap shops on Yong St. talking about bling-bling. They both teach in the Cleveland Public Schools as technology guys for the elementary schools. As I was talking, I yelled over the cubicle wall to Sharona, who has worked with the Upward Bound program at Kent and thus with high school students. I asked her if she ever heard of bling-bling, to which she responded, "Yes, Bob, of course I've heard of bling-bling," in that kind of what-do-you-think? way. So, she had the brilliant idea of making the card. It was great. But, the best part was that the card wasn't just a joke, because she wrote under the card cover, "As you move onto other challenges, remember 'No pressure, no diamonds.'" It was great!

So, Diane wrote in my book Amy made for me last year. I said goodbye to everyone once again - much harder this year! I said good-bye to Pat, but will see him next weekend as he helps me move to NYC. It is going to be hard not seeing him and talking to him on a regular basis. Amy, I will say good-bye today, probably.

Jason has moved into the apartment and he seems pleased with it. He has dubbed it the "Penthouse." I think I am taking way too much stuff to NYC, even though it isn't much at all.

I'm feeling tired. I'm feeling depressed and anxious. I know it will all work out fine. I know I have time even if I don't get a truck today. My car sold yesterday for what I was asking, so that pressure is gone. In a week, I will be in New York City and start the big adventure.

Oh, I am typing this on my new 17” screen iMac. I didn’t like the new iMac’s when they came out last year, but they are great machines! I love it. I picked it up on Friday after work, which gave me something good to look forward to after an emotional last day at work. Incidentally, it was a whirlwind day – work, computer, went to Boarders one last time with Amy, then a late dinner with Sam and Russ.

comments? e-mail me

Saturday, August 03, 2002

These past two days have not been the best. Yesterday, I woke up quite depressed - if I could just identify what in the world is causing this I would be okay. Things may suck, but if they are understandable I can deal with it. I know the whole moving and leaving everyone, the prospects to come, not knowing the outcome of the next three years, etc., all contribute to this dull ache, which sometimes isn't so dull.

So, yesterday, I got an e-mail from Continental Airlines advertising their weekly web specials. $69.00 round trip from Cleveland to Newark! I bought a ticket for Patrick to fly to NYC to help unload the truck when I arrived at General. He was then going to fly back on Monday. So, how lucky can I get? Well, walking back from the Student Center the thought struck me like a ton of bricks, "Pat isn't flying to New York on the 17th, he is flying to New York tomorrow!" Yes, in fact, because of my inattentiveness I failed to notice that the restrictions held that the flights were for this weekend only. Why in the world did I not pay attention to that? So, I called, and they will not change the date, will not apply the cost to another more expensive ticket, will not transfer the ticket - I lose $91.00 when it is all said and done. Okay, if they insist on being that inflexible when I call an hour after making the reservation and will not make any type of accommodation, they won't get any more of my money! All those flights back and forth between New York City and Cleveland over the next three years - I have choices, and I will exercise them. Pat, in all his consideration, will drive up to NYC and meet me there.

So then, this morning I still do not have a U-haul truck to move all the non-NYC stuff to my parents. Why do I still not have a truck? Who the heck knows, but even after making the reservation more then two weeks ago, they say they MAY have a truck available sometime this afternoon - which really doesn't do me any good because the U-haul storage facility closes by 7:00 pm tonight. Well, I could probably do it, but no one to help load the truck if it is too late in the afternoon. This does not, of course, make my day any better. U-haul is like Greyhound, they get things moved around but you really can't count on them all that much, their equipment is generally old, and encountering them isn't really all that pleasant of an experience. To be fair, I really haven't had that much problem with U-haul in the past. This just doesn't make me happy.

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