First things

I have said for a while now that one of the main schemes of the Enemy of our Faith in these times is to encourage us to be so busy that we no longer have time to sit, to be quite, meditate, listen, and rest in the presence of God. We don’t take the time or make the time to be with God and to hear His voice.
We fill our minds and our emotions with so many other things that either do nothing to bring us closer to our true selves or actively work against it. Our true selves, by the way, are realized through our relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
I realize that all this religio-political crap has done nothing to encourage me on my way to knowing God more fully and knowing God’s will for my life. It crowds out so much, it burns-outs my brain-cells and keeps them from firing in ways that enable understanding. Wisdom is lost.
I’m not talking about doing good theological work or Scriptural exegesis – thinking about the things of God, but about just listening and participating in the banality of the Anglican blogshere as we fight like worldlings, using the rhetorical and physical weapons of this world.
Fr. Cullen keeps telling me, “Bob, you’ve got to get away from that stuff.” I do. The political animal that I am keeps drawing me back into the fray. I suppose I should, as others have done, fast during this Holy Lent from such things and focus instead on my prayers and filling my brain with good things. These are the first things, it seems to me.