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you try to assert wisdom before people have themselves walked it, be
prepared for much resistance, denial, push-back, and verbal debate.”
– Richard Rohr, (Falling Upward; via MINemergent)
This is very true. There is also the reality that people who speak truth in these days, whose “yes” is yes and whose “no” is no, who and actually deal with the issues that become big, white elephants in the room, well these people are going to be resisted, are going to be accused, and are going to be opposed. (The vested interests of the status-quo will not recuse themselves easily, even as their failure is imminent.)
This is too bad, because when we speak truthfully, with consistency, and actually deal squarely with the real problems we face, then real, positive, and workable change for the better can occur. This is, of course, called integrity.
When we live within integrity, we then earn a hearing and garner respect from those who want nothing to do with the institutions to which we (I) belong – namely, the Church.