I’m in one of those periods when I don’t know whether I’m coming or going. I’m about ready to fall over – job, parish work, and alergies.
I’ve repeatedly heard that the Church should encourage a “bi-vocational” priesthood as a means of reviving churches that can’t afford a priest. Work full-time and revive a parish. They are crazy – can I say it again? Yes! – they are crazy. Crazy, I tell you.
Anyway, for the remainder of this month, I don’t see a way out. Then, physically I’m going to pot and spiritually I’m not much better. It becomes hard to quite my mind in order to honestly pray, rather than just rattle off a list of wants or needs (which I’m not even doing very well, either). Hopefully, come September, I can take some time off work and actually recup a bit. I need to start running, again. I need to start working-out, again. I need to discipline myself in prayer and study, again. I need to start managing my time, again. I need to watch the kind of food I eat, again. I need to refocus on relationships, again. Does it ever end? Maybe living in a monastery?
The Tyranny of the Urgent! Why do I so easily fall prey?