
Today is my birthday. I turn 45 years old, entering my 46th year of life. I’m off to the Long Island Diocesan Convention – yeeha.

Christian Symbolism #1

“Christian Symbolism is the use of signs and emblems to reach and present religious truths. Words often fail where symbolism succeeds, while taken together they frequently make spiritual things more fully grasped. This is as true today as when as it was in those times past, when education was not as general and printing was unknown. Like Musical Notation, Christian Symbolism illustrates that for which it stands. And it adds a certain beauty and mysticism to religion, speaking as it does of an unseen world and a supernatural faith. For the proper understanding of Christian Art and Architecture some knowledge of symbolism is absolutely necessary.” (The Practice of Religion, by The Rev. Archibald Campbell Knowles, D.D., p. 48)
I could have rewritten all that and put it into my own words, but the author did a far better job than I could, so the quote. What will follow over time are very short examples of Christian symbols. Coming from the very trend dominated part of the Church, namely Amercian-Evangelical/Charismatic/Penectostalism, the discovery of the ancient traditions and symbols of the Church Catholic is amazing to me – a sense of unity through linear time and beyond, experience beyond myself or my little group, and that which is tried through experience over centuries. The mystery of the faith maintained and retained and now being discovered and rediscovered by so many people. If find it fascinating that younger generations and American-Evangelicals are on the forefront of the rediscovery of the traditions, rituals, and symbols of the Christian Faith.
The Rood Screen:

Is “that which separates the Chancel from the Nave symbolizes the Gate of Death, leading from earth to Heaven by the Cross. The Crucifix here stands on the horizontal Rood Beam above the Screen and therefore is sometimes called the Rood.”

There have been a large number of Anglican/Episcopalian churches that have removed their Rood Screens over the last few decades. There are many people in my own seminary, The General Theological Seminary, which still has a beautifully carved wooded Rood Screen, who constantly call for the removal of the Rood Screen because to them in their egalitarianism it separates. I think it may say more about them (some of them that is) then it does about a reasoned and well thought-out theological perspective.

The East has likewise always made a distinction between “chronos” and “kairos.” The place where these two “opposites” unite in sacred space is called the iconographic plane, the iconastasis which has evolved as the icon screen. It must be noted, however, that (particularly) in Coptic and Levantine Egypt, the screen is often carved and unadorned. The wooden screen itself proclaims its liturgical and theological function. At the time of the Second Vatican Council the church in the West proposed a pragmatic architectural response to liturgical renewal, a response that turned sacred space into community space shifting the focus away from “presence” to “priesthood.” Failing to understand the function of the icon in liturgy, and the theology of the built environment of church as an icon of the “other place,” we imagined the iconastasis to be a screen designed to separate the clergy from laity. It is not so, not true. The iconostasis was not designed, it evolved to become the gathering point for the laos. Nevertheless the Oriental form of iconostasis is in a way a more authentic statement about the place of sacred space than its Eastern Orthodox counterpart.
Likewise the western church, in rescuing the theology of laos from mediaevalism on the one hand and reformation reaction on the other, was hasty and made little or no proper reference to Eastern and Oriental Orthodox architectural forms. We set about eliminating rood screens, communion rails and chancels in the belief that by doing so we could either (1) make the liturgy more intelligent to the people or (2) that we could restore the church to a more “apostolic” mode of celebration of divine liturgy by having priest and people more visible to each other and therefore better able to communicate notions of “priesthood” in more authentic ways.
The consequence of all of this was the loss of mystery. The word “mystery” does not mean “that which is hidden,” but rather, “that which has yet to be revealed.” There were, of course, other good theological reasons for abandoning the traditional position for the celebrant of the Eucharist, for constructing nave altars, for doing away with pulpits and for involving the laity in innovative liturgical ministries; but we failed to take into account the “other half” of Christendom which for very good theological reasons developed the iconastasis. The East has not demolished pulpits and the East has continued to involve the laity in their own ministries within the sacred space called sanctuary. In the Orient there has always been a liturgical function for lay people.

Eastern Christian Worlds, Anglican Theological Review, Fall 1997 by Bayton, John

The City #6

This morning as I was sitting in my chair for morning devotions and looking out the window at a large bell tower/clock tower/steeple of the Roman Catholic church down the street, I was struck by the sight of the cross atop the steeple as it shown brilliantly of fiery gold. The clouds were moving quickly across the Brooklyn sky and the reds and pinks of the morning sunrise were fading. At one moment in time, the clouds must have parted just the right way to allow a ray of sunlight to fall luminously upon the cross, but not the rest of the steeple. It was a wonderful sight for a moment or two.

The Mystical Christ

Here is an interesting essay from Fr. John-Julian Swanson, founder of the Order of Julian of Norwich, on the mystical nature of Christ. This comes via Fr. Jakes Stops the World.
How can we say this and not be Universalists (with a presupposition that Universalism is incorrect, rightly or wrongly)? How do we consider what Fr. John-Julian has written juxtaposed with John 14:5-7:

Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”

Money quote, perhaps: “That same Jesus Christ died not for some, but for all, and he has brought the potential for the fullness of salvation to every human soul…”

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Have Republicans heard?

Here are a couple paragraphs from a piece written by U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn, M.D., R-Okla., entitled ‘We Need to Govern from Conscience’. I wonder how many Republicans will receive their loss of congressional power and whether there might well be a return to Conservative principles. This administration and the exercise of power by the past couple Republican congresses have shown that, frankly, they are not “conservatives.” They exercised power under a strange philosophy. Will this be a turning back to conservativism? We shall see.

This election does not show that voters have abandoned their belief in limited government; it shows that the Republican Party has abandoned them. In fact, these results represent the total failure of big government Republicanism.
The Republican Party now has an opportunity to rediscover its identity as a party for limited government, free enterprise and individual responsibility. Most Americans still believe in these ideals, which reflect not merely the spirit of 1994 or the Reagan Revolution, but the vision of our founders. If Republicans present real ideas and solutions based on these principles, we will do well in the future.
What Republicans cannot continue to do, however, is more of the same. Our short-term, politically-expedient, bread and circus governing philosophy has failed. Iraq is an important issue in the minds of voters, but it is not the only issue. Our majority was severely weakened by a long series of decisions that pre-date the public’s current concern about Iraq.
Republicans oversaw a seven-fold increase in pork projects since 1998. Republicans increased domestic spending by nearly 50 percent since 2001, increased the national debt to $9 trillion, passed a reckless Medicare expansion bill and neglected our oversight responsibilities. While some of these decisions may have helped secure specific seats in the short-term, the totality of our excess did not secure our majority, but destroy it.

Read his entire essay, here. I don’t necessarily agree with everything, but I think he is at least on the right track.

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Things have changed – hopefully

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
Lord Acton, Letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton, 1887
This is what happened to the Religious Right. The allure of power became too strong and too corrupting. The absolute confidence that they were acting according to God’s will and that they completely understood the mind of God corrupted their thinking and profoundly harmed their faith – the life lived within the Way of God.
There is honor is public service – public service – for people of faith of all stripes who ascend to positions of political and civil leadership, but I believe there is no honor in striving for those positions in order to impose a particular theological bent. There is little chance of a redemptive outcome when Christians become seduced by power.
So, we are sobered by a slap, hopefully. Will pride and arrogance continue to have their way? “For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God…” 1 Peter 4:17. This time, the judgment comes to the politicized Religious Right.

The Truth

Gordan MacDonald of The Leadership Journal wrote a commentary entitled The Haggard Truth on Ted Haggard and Evangelicalism in the U.S. today. I think it is worth a read, but it is a bit longer than most blog articles. While I may not agree with every point, he does hit-the-nail-on-the-head particularly concerning Evangelicalism, politics, and the way the general public both within and outside the U.S. view this movement.
What do you think?
So many people will view Haggard’s sin to be homosexuality. That is not the sin. The sins are breaking his vows to his wife – adultery, promiscuity, lying, and hypocrisy. He is submitting to Dobson from Focus-on-the-Family and others for his rehabilitation. Regrettably, they will simply encourage and demand that he bury and deny his orientation even more so and in the end this will not help him. They will demand that he go through “reparative therapy,” all along saying that if only he has enough faith and if only he denies reality that God will heal him and make him into someone who can love his wife completely and fully in that certain way – a heterosexual. If this man of deep faith at 50 has not be already “healed” of these “temptations and tendencies,” do they really think that he suddenly will, now? He and his family will need to decide what their future will be, but denying reality will not help them, or him.

Another accusation

I honestly hope that the accusation against Ted Haggard, who resigned today from the presidency of the National Association of Evangelicals and as lead pastor of his church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. A gay escort claims that he has had a three year “business relationship” with Haggard. Haggard has claimed that he has not had sex with any man and has been faithful to his wife.
If the accusation is true, it is tragic. It presents once again the problems with the claims and methods of the anti-gay Religious Right, which advocates for the denial of the reality of an honest homosexual orientation. I know too many people who have accepted the tenets of Exodus, reparative therapy, and the idea that God will heal them of their homosexual temptations and who have married someone of the opposite-sex as they step out in faith and claim their healing.
I hope and prayer is that, whether Haggard is gay or straight is that the good Lord’s will can be accomplished through the tragedy, the heartache, and all the problems this will cause. Does he deserve to be outed if he is truly gay, considering he is a vocal and influential opponent of gay relationships, civil-unions, or marriage? I don’t know. I think hypocrisy should be “outed” where ever it exists – first in me! I just wish that no one who is gay will get married to someone of the opposite sex. It never ends well. At least that is my experience.

Re-post, just ’cause

Timaeus by: Plato

“We must, then, in my opinion, first of all make the following distinction: What is that which always is and is untouched by becoming? — and what is always in a state of coming-to-be but never is? Now that which intelligence grasps by way of a rational account is what always is self-identically; while that which is the object of belief by way of non-reasoning sense-perception is that which is coming into being and perishing but never in the proper sense is. Everything, though, that is coming into being must necessarily come into being by the agency of some cause; for it is absolutely impossible that anything should be in a state of coming-to-be apart form some cause.”

Welcome to November, 2006

Here we are, November 1, 2006. Today, we move forward in our lives, in our hopes, and in our loves. Today, we see our weakness and realize our need. Today, we better understand our place in the world and how we may contribute to the elevation of humanity upward to something better. Today, we see the suffering of humanity and are startled by our own complacency. Today, we are called to have our being in the midst of the One who brings all things into reconciliation with Him, with one another, and with all of Creation. Today, we are presented with a way forward where we can realize our true selves, our true potential, and experience contentment in whatever condition of life we may find ourselves – peace that surpasses all understanding, joy beyond emotion, freedom born of the security of knowing that we are no longer bound by the systems of this world – whether realized just yet or not? Things hoped for yet not seen.
Will we accept this? Will we allow the Giver of Life and Peace to transform our hearts and minds so that we are able to honestly, truly, sincerely, and habitually love God with our whole being and love our neighbor as ourselves? Will we humble ourselves so that we perceive of a new way that enables the hungry to be fed, the lame to be healed, humanity to live in peace; and because we have been fundamentally changed that there exudes from us a light and difference that draws the fears and anger and frustration of humanity into ourselves in order to relieve and to free and to give hope? Like Jesus did.
Will we?