We had an eventful morning. Fred Phelps and his crew were protesting the first day of classes for students of the Harvey Milk High School in Manhattan. Several of us from the seminary went up to counter Phelps and support the students. I look forward and see more prohibition’s taking up the non-hypocritical and consistent application of the Levitical verses on homosexual conduct by demanding death for sodomites, as one of Phelps’ signs indicated. As prohibition’s argument after prohibition’s argument falls by the wayside, the only route left is to get straight to the point – obey the Old Testament, Levitical prescription for death to those men who engage in such behavior.
A former staff leader of the Christian Coalition, who left because he thought they were not being faithful enough, said that until the Religious Right demands what scripture demands – the death penalty for those who engage in homosexual acts – God will not bless the Religious Right’s effort to stop homosexuality.
This is only the consistent way to apply these scriptures in the way they want to use these scriptures. Else, they have to give up the use of the O.T. verses coming under the Levitical Law.
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Monthly Archives: September 2003
Theology: “Theology is faith seeking
Theology: “Theology is faith seeking understanding.” Anselm. From, Studying Congregations: A New Handbook
After seeking, “The Order,” yesterday, the idea of the “Carolingian Order,” a somewhat rogue order often acting outside the authority of the Roman Church, was to seek understanding and knowledge beyond measure. By the way, in Church History, we are actually beginning “Carolingian Christianity.” Hum. Anyway, faith seeking understanding is a good way to sum up my obsession.
At times it seems that
At times it seems that the American culture/policy is the Wall Mart of the world – we move in, cut the prices until all the locals are out of business, and then just pull out when our margins are high enough. Sometimes, it seems like the politicized Evangelical church is the Wall Mart of Christianity – they bully their way in, demand that everyone accept their definitions, their theological determinations, and in the minds of the majority of unchurched Americans declare that they are the only true vain of Christianity – the only true Christians, God’s chosen. In politics, they (politicized Evangelicalism, remember) proclaim they are the salvation of all cultural wrongs, all personal foibles and proclivities because their mind is God’s mind – legalistic righteousness. Granted, they generally don’t skip town when the margins are too low, but according to their way of thinking, it doesn’t matter that there are already present viable and vibrant Christian assemblies who do not share their views on theology, worship, living, aesthetics, and just about anything else. Since they are the low-price leader, the rest of these quaint, outdated, and presumably losing ventures need to move aside while they take care of the locals.
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This is going to be
This is going to be a tough semester. I’m simply going to have to focus on a couple subjects and let the others go.
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Tomorrow begins the second year,
Tomorrow begins the second year, our Middler year. I can’t get over how quickly one year passed.
My biggest failing right now is discipline. I have regained all the weight I lost during my illness, which isn’t all bad, but I didn’t want to gain it all back from eating a poor diet, which is what I have done. Discipline in the way I eat. My sleeping patterns are all out of wack, which has to do in part to a very flexible schedule this past summer, and in part to Ashton, and in part to just not caring that much, but now, I have to. Discipline to go to bed and get up in a consistent manner – in bed by 10:30 pm and up by 5:30 am! Study, well, studying will be as studying is. Discipline to set aside ample time and to stay focused. Disciple with my health – to work out and run! Quiet-time, which I thing as a seminarian, is the most vital part of my life and day. This is perhaps my greatest failing of discipline. Discipline to be with God in that thin-space every morning in order to have peaceful and effective life. A life in order is a good thing indeed, especially if there is so much to be accomplished and that I want to accomplish. Too much stuff, really, to accommodate.
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This comes from the commencement
This comes from the commencement speech by Robert P. George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence, Princeton University, to the graduating class at Hillsdale College. The speech is entitled, “Freedom and Its Counterfeit.” These are a couple excerpts from the speech I found particularly interesting.
"True freedom consists in the liberation of the human person from the shackles of ignorance, oppression and vice... What overcomes ignorance is knowledge, and the object of knowledge is truth - empirical, moral, spiritual.
"True freedom, the freedom that liberates, is grounded in truth and ordered to truth and, therefore, to virtue. A free person is enslaved neither to the sheer will of another nor to his own appetites and passions. A free person lives uprightly, fulfilling his obligations to family, community, nation and God. By contrast, a person given over to his appetites and passions, a person who scoffs at truth and chooses to live, whether openly or secretly, in defiance of the moral law is not free. He is simply a different kind of slave.
"The counterfeit of freedom consists in the idea of personal and communal liberation from morality, responsibility and truth. It is what our nation's founders expressly distinguished from liberty and condemned as 'license.' The so-called freedom celebrated today by so many... is simply the license to do whatever one pleases. This false conception of freedom - false because disordered, disordered because detached from moral truth and civic responsibility - shackles those in its grip no less powerfully than did the chattel slavery of old. Enslavement to one's own appetites and passions is no less brutal a from of bondage from being a slavery of the soul. It is no less tragic, indeed, it is in certain respects immeasurably more tragic, for being self-imposed.
"Counterfeit freedom is worse than fraudulent. It is the mortal enemy of the real thing. Counterfeit freedom can provide no rational account or defense of its own normative claims...
"But counterfeit freedom poses greater dangers still. As our founders warned, a people given over to license will be incapable of sustaining republican government. As our founders warned, a people given over to license will be incapable of sustaining a republican government. For republican government - government by the people - requires a people who are prepared to take responsibility for the common good, including the preservation of conditions of liberty.
"Listen... to President Fairfield.... at that ceremony on July 4th, 1853... 'Unrestrained freedom is anarchy. Restrained only by force and arms, is despotism; self-restrained is Republicanism...'
"The self-government that is the right of free men and women is truly a sacred trust."