Enough Happiness, already…

This weeks Newsweek on the over-rating of Happiness!
I haven’t read the entire article, yet, but I like it already! This striving to be “happy” at all costs has impoverished us, I think. We also confuse “happiness” with “joy.” One can be joyful even in the worst of situations. Happiness, on the other hand, often seems nothing more than decent reception of external stimuli – or at least happiness seems to be something not so determined by internal stuff, but by externals.

Fog and dogs

I ran into a parishioner on my way home from The Tea Lounge, and she commented on seeing all the dog walkers. She was starting to write a poem, and below I improved upon her first couple of lines:
“Now away to walk my dog
in the early morning fog…”


On my Facebook account, there is a plug-in that gives a new word everyday. Today’s word is:
1 : beginning to be green : greenish
2 : developing or displaying virescence
Buds formed on the bare trees, infusing the stark branches with a slight virescent tint.
That’s a great word! Two of my other favorite words are: Vouchsafe & Vainglory. Maybe, I have a thing for words that begin with a “V.”

The Human Genome

We are far more different from one another than first thought!
Read this news story about the human genome of a single man at Reuters:
Click here
Does this add anything new to our understanding, theologically? I think about “Natural Theology” or the appeal to the example of Nature to justify this or that particular theological/social/moral perspective. If we are really far more different than we thought, what is the common example in Nature?


The future of swami-ism! The great one! Such wisdom! The progenitor of true, original thought!
Okay, so, you will need to overlook the f-bombs in the beginning, if you can.
Puppetji vs MySpace vs YouTube

Puppetji vs The Secret

Via: Jon at The Wild Things of God

I’m a Justin Martyr

You’re St. Justin Martyr!

You have a positive and hopeful attitude toward the world. You think that nature, history, and even the pagan philosophers were often guided by God in preparation for the Advent of the Christ. You find “seeds of the Word” in unexpected places. You’re patient and willing to explain the faith to unbelievers.

Find out which Church Father you are at The Way of the Fathers!