Wednesday, March 24, 2004

This is probably quite naive of me, but I honestly believe there should be a return to the word "homophile" to describe those who have an affectual or sexual desire for the same-sex.

This issue needs to be recast away from "sex" and to what we are truly discussing - the natural and God given desire and need to love and be loved, to know and be known. It is too easy for the anti-homosexual people to continue to cast the debate around sexual behavior only. As in heterosexual couples, sex will be an aspect, but not the end-all of their relationship.

I agree that many gay people are obsessed with sex and preoccupied with things pertaining to sex, but again I do not believe those people represent a majority. It just hasn't born out in my experience. The issues are the same despite what orientation exists within anyone.

comments? e-mail me


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