Wednesday, November 19, 2003

News from Stephen Bennett Ministries:


Tuesday, November 18, 2003 11:15 am Contact Stephen Bennett (203) 926-6960

MA SJC Paves Way for U.S. "Gay" Marriage

In another tragic blow to the traditional family and Christians alike, corrupt judges in MA ruled 4:3 this morning that banning same-sex marriage in MA is unconstitutional. Short of giving the green light for homosexuals to line up for marriage licenses, they passed the buck to the MA Legislature, who now has 180 days to to come up with a solution and act in light of the decision.

Massachusetts moved closer to becoming the first state in the country to allow homosexual couples to wed - a decision which would affect every state in the country (Article 4 in the U.S. Constitution known as the Full Faith and Credit clause.)

The state's Supreme Judicial Court decided homosexual couples should be allowed to apply for marriage licenses, overturning a ruling by a lower court handed down in May 2002 which said state law does not convey the right of marriage to homosexual couples.

"People need to wake up and realize this is not the same America of years gone by. We are no longer a Christian nation - and haven't been for many years. We are a nation ruled by corrupt, wicked men - men who base their laws not on the God of the Bible, but of the god of this world," said Stephen Bennett, a former homosexual now married to his wife of ten years and the father of their two little children. "Christians better be prepared - this is just the beginning."

With the ruling earlier this year by the Supreme Court approving sodomy, the removing of Alabama Justice Roy Moore and the Ten Commandments monument, and now MA's ruling, Bennett feels the direction from here on in is pretty clear.

"We are a nation of God haters, idolaters and false religions. Our women legally murder babies in their own womb, sodomy is constitutional and every wicked imagination of the heart is given legal rights. As much as I will continue to fight and stand for the truth, I pray almighty God steps in now. Let Him do whatever He needs to to shake America back to its senses. My heart breaks for my country, for Christian complacency and for our sin before a holy God. He has to intervene - we need Him now more than ever," said Stephen.

Stephen has been becoming more and more extreme.

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