Saturday, December 21, 2002

Roy and I had lunch a while ago. Vietnamese Noodle soup for me, not sure what Roy had. We got into a discussion about health care and I became quite animated, as I do with most things. I am not angry, truly, even though I know it comes across that way to many people. Roy ended the conversation because he sensed himself become agree after I said, "shut up and let me finish." I don't remember saying the "shut up" part, but I could well have. If so, I don't blame him for ending the conversation.

To me, it was just a conversation/debate, and nothing more. I think it is fun (I know, I'm strange) to get into passion conversations about things. Those kinds of conversations help me to work through things and clarify what I truly think. If I did tell Roy to, "shut up," then I went too far, yet to me they aren't real arguments in the sense that one walks away angry and frustrated.

I know I need to watch myself more because many people do think I am getting angry and confrontation, when that is not my intent. I especially have to watch myself when I am in a public place - me getting animated and passionate about something is going to cause others to think I am yelling at Roy (or whomever) and misunderstand. I just need to control my enthusiasm/passion/lets debate for the sake of debate tendencies.

I’m going to be heading off to N.J. and Ashton’s soon. Christmas is around the corner and my plane leaves at 6:40 am tomorrow. I’m glad Ashton lives only 15 minutes or so from Newark! I’m glad to spend the time with him.

comments? e-mail me


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