Thursday, December 05, 2002

It is snowing this morning! The weather guy on WNYC is saying we can expect 6-8 inches - I can't wait. I've seen snow in the city before, and it can be very pretty - for a while, that is. There won't be any snowman making around here, however. Trying to push a giant snowball around the sidewalks of Chelsea just won't cut it.

Just like getting back into the academic paper writing mode, I've got to get back into writing down my thoughts. I've done a little more writing in my paper journal, but for the most part pulling things out of my brain and onto paper or here is proving difficult. I'm not sure why, other then that I've been so focused on trying to get all these papers finished and all the books read that actually taking time to think through something that resonates with me just isn't happening.

There was a report from the Episcopal News Service yesterday concerning the proposed move of the headquarters to General, which would mean major reconstruction of several buildings. The report said that those committees at the headquarters have recommended the move not happen. The plan would be a financial boon for the seminary, but would certainly change the character of this place. I wonder what will happen now. It wouldn't surprise me if the Dean resigned in the near future. He has put so many of his eggs in that basket that I don't know whether he will be able to reorient himself and envision a new course for the seminary. He has plans for the future, but without the financial bailout, I don't know whether finances will permit the new plans - both academic and bricks-n-mortar. I just hope things are maintained for the next three years - well really 5 years. That would give me a couple years after school to secure a job, etc., before the reputation begins to fail. Frankly, I don't know how an institution of higher education of this size survives, especially in such an expensive location like New York City, but I'm glad it has (and will!).

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