Friday, October 18, 2002

I've said all along, specifically concerning my web-journal in my website, that when writing my concern is getting thoughts on paper, rather than grammar or spelling. Anyone who reads this weblog, my journal, or my quiet-time entries will know that my sentences may not be complete, my thought processes or progression may not be very logical or rational, or certain words I use may not be the best.

Well, this has come back to bite me in the you-know-where. I got back my first paper, which I have to admit was done at the last minute, and grammatically I did not do very well. It is a sad commentary when someone, like me, who already has a Master's degree, sees comments made on my paper like, "not a complete sentence." Its embarrassing.

Okay, so I need to be cognizant of grammar from now on. Frankly, I am not very excited about the whole prospect. I have never really made the effort to learn English grammar well; I always hated diagramming sentences; I get all blocked up when I have to think about dangling participles or how to avoid the passive voice. Yet, I have to, else I'm going to be in big trouble. These on-line things have to be a little more correct in form, I suppose. I know in the long run it only benefits me - both in class assignments that prove my academic prowess, and also for the comfort of anyone who may read this stuff.

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