Friday, October 11, 2002

I'm not sure what to think about the differences of opinion that many here at General have concerning a whole variety of things theological. It isn't that I have a problem with the differences, per say, because the dynamic is wonderful as we move towards a more balanced and I think true understanding of God and God's ways, yet the forming of personal understandings and beliefs that remove any type of supremacy of scripture is proving problematic for many. It is easy for many to discount and explain away many aspects of theological understanding of God and God's ways presented in scripture because it doesn't present an image of God they desire - problems with the violence in the Hebrew scriptures for example doesn't jib with notions of God's all goodness and all love. Another example is what seems to be a universal discounting of the existence of a being commonly know as Satan or the Devil and demons. The idea that there is an entity that influences us towards evil or our more base selves just seems beyond many. I don't understand how they could claim a supernatural being - God - yet cannot fathom another supernatural being that influences for evil - Satan. Not that Satan is a god or is equivalent to God in any way - a created being who strived to be god and rebelled against God through his pride and arrogance. Removing this idea opens up so many problems as they try to explain the presence of evil and/or how God could allow evil and tragedies such as 9/11.

Speaking of allowing evil and existence of Satan, if we are to truly have free will, which many say we truly don't have, it seems reasonable that there is an evil presence of choice opposing a good presence with whom we can align.

Of course, this is all speculation based on belief at this point. To formulate a good theology and/or philosophy of all this is why I'm here. I've thought through much of this with the resources I have at this point, but the purpose of the next three years is to gather even more that enables me to formulate even better theologies/philosophies concerning life and the divine. The challenges of others with at times drastically different understandings is great - the challenges help me delineate what I truly think and believe. It will be very interesting to see where I am after these three years.

My goal is truth, simply. I really don't have a soap box, yet I believe what I believe at this point and until something more reasonable, rational, or responsible comes along I will argue my point. I certainly do have biases and pre-conceived notions, but that's okay as long as they don't become sacred cows - unchallengeable.

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