Tuesday, July 02, 2002

Since this morning, those of us rooming together at General are now saying a bit about ourselves - intro type stuff. So, here is what I wrote as an introduction of myself. Pretty general, but hey...

Since Roy began the intro process and I neglected to in my last e-mail, I will add my two cents here:

I grew up in a small town in Ohio along the shores of Lake Erie. I currently live in Akron, OH and work at Kent State University as a techno-geek - although I think of myself as one of the cool-geeks. :-) I was supposed to begin seminary last year, but had a cancer scare and had to put everything off at the last minute. Anyway...

I grew up Pentecostal (Foursquare Gospel Church). Upon graduating from college I spent 7 years in campus ministry with Chi Alpha Christian Fellowships (Assemblies of God) in Ohio and Germany. I taught high school for one year. In '94 I finished my graduate work in Higher Ed./College Student Development and became an Episcopalian. The past few years have been quite interesting for me spiritually.

I'm a neat person, although I can be a bit cluttered. I'm pretty laid back, although quite fidgety. I'm definitely a morning person (I'm usually just wake-up by 5:30 am or so - my best studying time is early in the morning). I think that will help in trying to schedule bathroom time. I try to be in bed by 10:30 pm. I love to get into discussions (which my Mom calls raging disagreements) about all kinds of things. I tend to play the devils-advocate. Sometimes, people get the wrong idea and think I'm getting mad, but really I'm just animated (mildly so - my Mom is just a little over sensitive). My spiritual/academic interests revolve around faith-development, young people, and technology. Where those three things intersect is where I want to be.

I have a website, but am hesitant to give it out because you guys would know a heck of a lot more about me then I know of you all. I think I would rather you meet me in person first. I have a proposal for you all concerning the website! I love sci-fi (even the bad stuff), all kinds of music, movies, travel, just walking around and discovering new places, eating new kinds of food, working-out, jogging. I am pretty adventurous.

I'm Anglo-Saxon with a good amount of Cherokee thrown in for good measure, 5'10", in good shape, normal stuff. I plan on moving in NYC August 17th.

comments? e-mail me


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