Tuesday, June 11, 2002

For some odd reason, I'm feeling very nostalgic right now. Not really over anything in particular, although I was thinking about John earlier. I am a bit listless and bored today.

Tomorrow is Robin's dissertation defense. She is so nervous, but will obviously pass though the experience with no problem. Tomorrow, it will be Dr. Robin!

I'm really ready to get on with things. Two months and I'm moving. An apartment with 4 other guys I do not know, 5 bedrooms. The big city. No idea of the outcome, but taking the step anyway. I'm going to miss all these guys. Too much money I'm going to have to spend before I go - computer, chair, digital stuff for the website, and who knows what else. I hope the guys will be into doing a cam and website of our experience - all contributing. It could be a very interesting project in the midst of everything.

I'm really going to miss Pat. He has become a very good friend - an example of the friend to whom I will compare all others from this point forward. Then, of course and without question, Amy. Part of me was thinking that maybe John, but it seems no. Probably for the best, after all. That nostalgia thing again.

Off to the big city to find my fortune.

Listening: Natalie Imbruglia, White Lilies Island


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