Thursday, March 21, 2002

Kent is in the Sweet Sixteen for the first time in it's history. (I work at Kent State, by the way.) We've been in the NCAA playoffs the last three seasons, or maybe two seasons, I'm not sure. To be honest, I really don't follow college basketball all that closely, even Kent's team. Let me try again -- I really don't follow college sports AT ALL. But this year, this is a different matter. It is so odd to actually feel an honest excitement about one of our sports teams! Of course, every new fall term there is this attempt to hype the football team in order to build school spirit, etc., especially for the freshmen. Everyone knows it's an almost futile attempt, although the football team has actually won a few games the last couple of years! Anyway, tonight at 10:00 pm in Lexington, Kent plays Pittsburgh. Wouldn't it be something if they win! We shall see....

Of course, there is blue and gold every where around campus today. The bookstore and sports shop can't keep sweet sixteen t-shirts and ball-caps in stock. Going for coffee this morning in the student center, I actually saw students buying bunches of Kent stuff to wear. It's actually kind of neat, although strange. Go Kent! Funny, how that sounds.


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